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Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Lent, A Joyful Season?

I was struck by the thought that Lent is leading us to the Resurrection! The Preface for the First Eucharistic Prayer in Lent says, speaking to the Father: "Each year you give us this joyful season when we prepare to celebrate the paschal mystery with mind and heart renewed."
The Preface for the first Sunday in Lent also states: "in our unending joy we echo on earth the song of the angels in heaven."
When I read the quote from St. Margaret Mary Alacoque in my missalette for March 6th, I felt that the Spirit is really trying to tell me that I need to make this Lent a joyful season in the sense of staying with the Lord in His passion and death to be with Him in His joy on Easter Sunday. St. Margaret Mary said:
Above all, I beg you to be gay, joyful and happy, for this is the true mark of the Spirit of God, who wishes that we should serve in peace and contentment; do not be uneasy or anxious, but do all things with liberty of mind and in the presence of God."
Lord, may we serve You with joyful hearts this Lenten season!

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