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Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Saints Perpetua & Felicity

If you have ever read the account of the martyrdom of Perpetua and Felicity, you know how courageous both were and how God came first even when it meant that they would not be able to live and take care of their babies. They were only baptized in prison! Felicity gave birth to her baby just three days before they were flogged, exposed to the wild beasts, and then beheaded. Would I have had the courage and faith of these newly baptized North African women?


Anonymous said...

they r cOOl

Anonymous said...

I took the name Perpetua for my Confirmation and since then have grown in devotion to Perpetua & Felicity. I am 64 years old and the mother of 7 children. I often ask the saints to pray for their conversion - that they will come to know that Jesus is truly the Lord & God of all.