God has power to raise the dead; he has the power to bring life from impossible situations. It is good for us to remember this and today's Gospel shows us the power Jesus has over death and all impossible situations.
When Jesus heard that Lazarus was ill, he stayed where he was for two more days. He waited and Lazarus died. Now, Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus, but Jesus waited two whole days before he said to his disciples, "Let us go back to Judea." The disciples try to discourage him, but Jesus tells them "Our friend Lazarus is asleep, but I am going to awaken him." They do not understand so Jesus tells them clearly, "Lazarus has died . . . . Let us go to him."
When Jesus arrives, Lazarus has been in the tomb for four days.
Jesus speaks to Martha and tells her, "I am the resurrection and the life: whoever believes in me, even if he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"
Martha does believe and makes a magnificent profession of faith saying that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God.
Jesus shows his love for his friend. The Gospel tells us, "Jesus wept."
Then he ordered the stone removed from the entrance of the tomb. Jesus thanks his Father for hearing him and then cries out with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!"
Jesus calls us out of our tombs, too. He came that we may have life. His love sets us free! No matter how impossible the situation is, the same miracle that Jesus worked for Lazarus, the same life-giving help is waiting for me as I, too, am the "one Jesus loves."
Let us reflect today on the love of Jesus; the power of Jesus; the gift of life!
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