Jesus is risen, alleluia! Jesus spends the forty days after Easter going around and consoling his friends; he appears to them, gives them the gift of his presence until he is finally leaving them and ascending into heaven.
I was reflecting this morning that the Church year has made a special season of forty days of Lent to prepare for the Easter and then gives us these forty days with Jesus. I may not have had the kind of Lent that I envisioned on Ash Wednesday, but now I begin again with the risen Jesus to rejoice with Him, to stay with Him, to learn from the different apparitions what Jesus is still trying to teach me. Each day he comes and says some of the same things to us. He calls us by name so that we will recognize him; he walks with us and reveals Himself in the breaking of the bread. Let us thank for the opportunity to spend these forty days with Jesus. May we learn from Him how to console others.
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