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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Divine Mercy Sunday

Benedict XVI was elected pope on this day in 2005. He wrote, "I prayed to God, 'Please don't do this to me'...Evidently, this time he didn't listen to me."

I am looking at the Little White Book which always tells me something of interest and has wonderful six minutes reflections adapted from the writings of the late Bishop Ken Untener. Today's reflection says that it is curious that Thomas wanted to see the wounds of Jesus. Why didn't he say that he wanted to hear his voice or look into his eyes? Why didn't he say he wanted to see Jesus walk on water?
"In the 11th Chapter of John's Gospel, when Jesus said he was going to Jerusalem and the disciples were afraid, Thomas was the one who stood up and said, "Let us go there and die with him."
Perhaps Thomas felt more than the others how much they had let Jesus down by abandoning him during his passion and death. When the disciples talked about having seen the Lord and having heard the Lord wish them peace and speak of forgiveness, Thomas simply said, "I'll never believe it unless I see those wounds and touch them and have him say those things to me."

Jesus comes back and tells Thomas to put his finger into his wounds and his hand into the wound in his side and believe. Thomas utters that magnificent statement of faith that many Catholics say at the elevation during the Mass, "My Lord and my God!" Then Jesus says for all of us, "Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed."

Jesus comes to us in every Eucharist and helps us to become like him. We need only to believe and receive him with love.

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