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Friday, April 20, 2012

The importance of dreaming

Here is a quote from the booklet "Live the Questions Now" published by the Leadership Conference of Women Religious.
"Dreams are today's answers to tomorrow's questions." Edgar Cayce

The Scripture quote is: "I will pour or my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old ones will dream dreams your young will see visions." Joel 2:28

I am a daydreamer from early childhood. I have an active imagination and daydreaming is a great temptation; it is also a gift and I can envision things before they even exist and therefore work to make them happen. I find this gift a real blessing in working with all kinds of people and situations. I think it is important to be in touch with what we dream about both during the day and the night. I am one who seldom remembers a night dream, so have learned to process my day-dreaming the same way you would work with a dream that came when you were asleep. It is amazing how God still speaks to us through our dreams.
I am off for my monthly meeting up in North Hollywood; the group began about twenty-five years ago as a supervision group as we were all doing spiritual direction; it has evolved into a group of intimate friends who are willing to pray and share together. I think we are really doing some group spiritual direction now, although there is still room for supervision when someone wants to present. I am just grateful that I am able to share with others monthly and know that these wonderful women open my horizons and deepen my own faith and hope.

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