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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Good Shepherd Sunday

Jesus is the Good Shepherd and He cares for each of us. He calls us by name and we listen to Him and follow Him. He loves each of us more than any earthly pastor so we let ourselves be loved and we follow Him wherever He leads. When we are tired, He carries us; when we stray, He seeks us with tender love and mercy. I really believe that the image of the Good Shepherd has made me feel carried by Jesus at many moments in my life. I also have heard his call to feed his sheep. Perhaps that is why I continue to write this blog.

The Sunday Gospel is quite short, but it is an important one.

Thursday night was the last meeting of our Reflection Group. I started this group over twenty- three years ago. It has changed over the years as far as the people, but the format has been the same and it has been life-giving for all. We meet for a light supper, then prayer and sharing of our experience after we have all read and reflected during the month on one chapter of our chosen book. The sharing has been very rich and I know I have made many deep friendships over the years with the people who have been part of the group. I pray that this group will continue to meet. I also just want to throw out the suggestion to all my readers to start a group that meets once a month for prayer together and then sharing. Many have told me that the silent prayer has helped them as they seldom have just sat in silence with others in prayer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Sister.