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Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Sharing a bit of my retreat

 Sometimes in a Guided Imagery I fnd myself floating on a cloud. Last Tuesday, in my first Guided Imagery, I was up in the sky, found a rainbow which Jesus helped me to climb and then, suddenly, the world is below me but I am in the universe and it is immense. I see all the stars and begin to move around them. Each is different but all are so bright and sparkling. Although it is dark between stars, thelight from each star is so glowing that I am amazed and continue zooming around in this immense universe. I wonder what the stars are made of and then wonder if each of us has a star, just as each of us has a Guardian Angel.

You can see that I was full of awe and realize that I know so little about the stars, the planets, the moon and the sun. I did come out of my flight through the stars into glorious sunlight. I think that was when I floated up on a cloud until I could see angels and hear them singing and there was also a great many people so I was sure that was heaven, but Jesus came and told me that I could not go to heaven yet. I know I still have work to do.

There was a good deal more to that first session, but I can still see all those glowing stars in my imagination.

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