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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Not efficient but effective

When making a thirty-day retreat in Manresa, Spain in a Jesuit retreat house built around and over the cave where St. Ignatius wrote his Spiritual Exercises, I was given this word of wisdom by my director: "The Lord does not ask you to be efficient but only effective."
For over thirty years I think that has helped me with my apostolic work. It has caused things to happen that were way beyond anything I could do or anyone even thought could be done. It gave me courage to launch projects and programs far beyond my human capacity and I am grateful.
In prayer this week the question came to me: How does this apply to my inner life? My own spiritual life is also touched by the Lord still saying to me, "You do not need to be efficient, only effective." I am called to the same trust and courage that trying to be effective in ministry demanded. It means keeping on when I know that I am not doing something well but trusting that my efforts will be effective. I guess this blog is one of those projects.


Anonymous said...

I love your observation about efficiency/effectiveness. Thanks for showing how courage and trust in taking on a mission which we feel is beyond us can result in its being effective. Your blog has been very effective in helping me and I am sure others are being helped by your short and very readable messages. Gratefully, Jane.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder -- to keep trusting no matter what! That in itself is effective!!