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Sunday, December 21, 2008

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Today's Gospel is that of the Annunciation; the "O Antiphon for December 21 is "O Radiant Dawn, splendor of eternal light, sun of justice: come, shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death."

It is interesting to see Mary's confusion when the angel came to her. She was "greatly troubled" and wondered what this could mean. She did not say "yes" until she had asked how it would be possible. Then she gave herself totally to whatever God wanted, but she could not have understood at that moment all the joys and sorrows that would be part of her life because of her Fiat. Mary understands us and helps us to say "yes" to whatever her Son asks of us. Jesus is the center of her life now and wants to be the center of ours and the only joy of our hearts!
I think that as we begin this last week of Advent that is not even a week, we need to just let the mystery of the Incarnation fill our thoughts and our hearts. This God who is the Radiant Dawn and splendor of eternal light is coming again, is here now, and we are no longer in darkness; he is the Light of the World!!

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