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Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Big Book of Christian Mysticism

Carl McColman's The Big Book of Christian Mysticism: The Essential Guide to Contemplative Spirituality is a book I have been reading for some weeks now; I think it is the kind of book that you read a bit and then put it down to think and pray. The first part of the book has eight chapters on "The Christian Mystery" and takes longer to read and I must confess that I am still in Chapter 7 on "The Mystical Paradox". However, I have read quite a bit of the second part of the book that has nine chapters on "The Contemplative Life". It is more practical but the entire book will, I think, lead you deeper into mysticism. There are also three Appendices, Endnotes, Bibliography and other Resources so you have 309 pages full of wisdom. The quote on the cover from Richard Rohr sums it up by saying, "All seekers will find both meat and dessert in such a full meal." The book is not for everyone, but if you are interested in Christian mysticism, you will profit from this study.

May we all spend New Year's Eve in a spirit of gratitude as we review the graces we have received; may we also be aware of the times we have not responded fully to God's calls and ask pardon, sure of His infinite mercy; and may we be filled with hope and joy as we prepare to begin a New Year. This is my prayer for all!

1 comment:

soma said...

Sister, Salutations to the Divinity within you and thank you for talking about Christian Mysticism because we change the world by changing ourselves.