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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Ignatius and Our New Pope

Before I forget, I have just been looking at photos on our vocation page in Facebook and I think you might like to see so many happy faces so go to and enjoy.

I suspect that Ignatius is content with Pope Francis in spite of the fact that he never wanted any of his followers to accept Church honors. Still, he has watched over those who did and the ones I know of like Cardinal Bellarmine and Cardinal Montini seem to have been very holy men. I was glad to hear that our new Holy Father had called the Father General and had had him over for a visit. I think that the Jesuit formation is a great plus for the Pope and will serve him. It was interesting to see that the newspapers gave a list of many famous people today who have been educated by the Jesuits. Jesuit education is one thing, but the years of formation before one is really a Jesuit marks one for life.

I am now reading the Chapter on the death of Jesus in Jose Pagola's book on Jesus. It is powerful and I will just try to stay with this in prayer. My Lent has not been as prayerful as I hoped it would be so I need to make more effort in the days left to us.  I hope all of you are persevering in your Lenten resolutions. If a good resolution, you have failed often but the thing is to not give up but start anew each day.

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