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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Time and Space for God

"Through all stages of our life our prayer invites us to the depths of God."  This is another quote from the Chapter of 2008 that makes me stop and ponder. The depths of God - infinite deepness. How do we descend into the depths of God? I am sure my entrance is through the Heart of Christ. I do have a personal relationship with each membe of the Blessed Trinity and it is in quiet prayer that the descent into the depths happens. I only know that it is not my doing and it is pure grace.

"Giving time and space for prayer will help us to be the heart of God in our world."  That is true and essential. I will end my reflection on the priority of Contemplation with one more quote that I find consoling:"The desire for interior life finds a home in us and draws us to abide in God."
To abide in God is bliss!

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