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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Something good to think about today

Sometimes, Lord, I still think I need to do all the work and You keep showing me that You are the one, not me, and I need to let You be free to work in me. This poem of Carol Bialock will be in her soon to be published book, Coral Castles: Collected Poems by Carol Bialock, RSCJ and can be preordered - more exact information on this tomorrow. Today I am sharing her poem on
"All the years of breaking through the soil,
gasping for growth,
straining to height and aroma and juice,
heavy with effort,
sweating it.

And when the glory came
and I breathed free and opened full,
strange how only then did I know
it was all gift,
I hadn't
done anything.

It was sun and rain and earth and air,
I had only to rest in
light, water, soil,
only trust and surrender
only be still
to flower into beauty.

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