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Monday, June 24, 2019

Wonderful Surprise Today

We had a lovely surprise this evening. Twenty-five girls from our school, Villa Duchesne, in St. Louis arrived to spend a few days here. They had supper with us and they were delightful! They will be sleeping on the third floor of the original building built in 1898 when we began a boarding school here. They arrived straight from the airport and could not get over the beauty of California; they came on 280, a highway that is gorgeous to drive and arrived just in time for our 5:00 supper which we ate with them in the patio. The weather has been perfect and we had at least eight tables set for six or eight so we were two RSCJs at each table. One of the girls at my table could not get over the fact that I grew up in a house not only on the same street in St. Louis, but only two houses down from hers. I taught at Villa Duchesne in 1953 which was no doubt before their parents had even been born! They are going to do some social work in San Francisco, and feed the hungry, pick up trash and also see something of our surroundings. They will have Mass with us on Wednesday morning and then something with us in the Fireside room. It is just good to see young people and these girls were so polite and wholesome! 
Not a very spiritual blog tonight, but I am so proud of these Sacred Heart Seniors that I had to write about them.

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