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Friday, September 17, 2021

Be Still and Listen

 Someone is coming to visit me to talk about spiritual books I think she may want to read. This had me reaching for a few books on my shelves and one is titled, Be Still and Listen: Experience the Presence of God in Your Life by Amos Smith. It was published in 2018. I have a bookmark about two-thirds of the way into the book and I suspect that I put it back on my shelf because of other books needing to be read and forgot about this one. I do not think I reveiwed it, so will give you a short description taken from the back cover. 

"Part One, "Entering the Desert", introduces principles of awareness, deep listening and contemplation as essential for hearing what Scripture has to say. Part Two details the importance of mystery and struggle in the process of healing from past or present wounds. Part Three explores the 'undivided heart' that's possible when we come to know God in silence and stillness."

I am hoping to read Part Three soon, but at present I am reading three other spiritual books, all three are interesting but I seem to have less time for reading. This is no doubt my own fault and I am trying to make more time. Good spiritual reading also prepares us to find God at a deeper level.

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