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Thursday, September 23, 2021

Practicing gratitude invites joy into our lives

 I think we all need joy in our lives and so I am going to suggest that we begin by really taking time to note all the things in our daily life that make us feel grateful. At least they would if we took note of all we have. I feel grateful in the morning that I can get out of bed, have a hot shower, dress myself, and have a whole day ahead of me to pray, eat, and love. I think that book was "Eat, Pray, and Love' by Elizabeth Gilbert, but I read that years ago. 

I am grateful for a wonderful breakfast every morning; for Mass and time in our lovely Chapel. I am also grateful for the sisters and staff that surround me. Then, of course, being in California, I am so grateful for the climate. I can walk outside in our beautiful patio which is full of roses and other flowers.

I am sure if you start to think of all the things you are grateful for in your own life, you will feel joy. God wants us to live in joy. Try it today!

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