At daybreak, Jesus left and went to a deserted place. He went to pray alone. I am praying each morning before dawn. Daybreak comes too late with our daylight saving time. It is pitch dark as I sit in prayer with Jesus. I know the sun will rise. Clouds may block the light of the sun, but it is there. In this pre-dawn darkness I am alone with Jesus.
He says to me as he said to the crowds that went looking for him and tried to prevent him from leaving them: "To the other towns also I must procalim the good news of the Kingdom of God, because for this purpose I have been sent."
To proclaim the good news is also my purpose in life. I am to proclaim God's love. It is my vocation. That God loves us is good news!
Today, with bad news being proclaimed by every newspaper and TV station, it is good to recall our purpose in life: we are to proclaim the good news! We are loved by God!
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