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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe is Patroness of the Americas. It is a lovely feast and we need to think of our Mexican neighbors who had Our Lady leave her image on the cloak of Juan Diego who was recently canonized, I think. He was a native Aztec peasant on a country trail near what is now Mexico City. The little Blue Book for Advent says that the title of Our Lady of Guadalupe came from Juan's description of the woman who appeared to him as "te quatlaxupe". The bishop's interpreter misunderstood what he heard and thought Juan was referring to a shrine in Spain named Guadalupe. Actually what Juan said means "woman who crushes the serpent."
Our Lady always chooses the humble, the poor, and those who the world does not think much of as they are not rich or educated, but Mary prefers the simple, humble ones.

Today is also the birthday of St. Madeleine Sophie and I took the habit on this day in 1950. My parents came to the ceremony; we were dressed as brides and walked down the center aisle and then received our habits and went out and had our hair cut and were dressed in the habits which had been blessed before they were given to us. Then we came back in our black habits and white veils. I was happy but think it was very hard on my parents. However, they went to New York and shopped at Macy's and sent me a whole box of toys for Christmas and we had such fun playing with them all - jacks, pick-up sticks, Parchesi, ball on a paddle, yoyos, harmonicas, and I do not remember most of what was in that box but know it gave us all joy.

I am driving to Gainesville today, a six hour drive, to have a mini retreat and ask for your prayers; I will be back on the 16th. I am trying to schedule some blogs for while I am away as there is so much to reflect on during Advent. And tomorrow is the Third Sunday. It goes by so fast when we have so much to do before Christmas; I like to think that my three days of retreat are always a counterculture sign that what really counts is the spiritual preparation. However, I am pressured to get things done so that I can go away for these days!


Blessed by God - the Best of all Worlds said...

Happy double Feast Dear Helen and Happy Anniversary. I also remember this day(although it was a different date) in my life. God certainly works in mysterious ways her wonders to perform and connections to maintain:)I know you won't get thsi toll you get back, but know I added a special prayer for your Advent retreat.
Love and peace,

Anonymous said...

I would be interested to know your thoughts on women religious who no longer wear a habit. Habits were once worn as a sign of contradiction to the world. Now, sadly, most nuns are no longer recognizable; however, if you are Catholic and over 50, as I am, I like to say I can spot a nun in "plainclothes" any day of the week.