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Sunday, October 31, 2010

One of my favorite Gospels today

I love the fact that this little man who was an important person but not a popular one, wanted to see Jesus. Jesus was not going to stay in his city, but when Zaccheus ran ahead and actually climbed a tree in order to see Jesus, his desire was more than fulfilled for Jesus saw him and told him to come quickly because He wanted to stay in his house. Zaccheus came down quickly and received Jesus with joy! I love the thought that when we desire to see Jesus, He comes to us and we can receive Him with joy"! It is also good to realize that the invitation of Jesus resulted in an immediate conversion of this tax collector! I think that Jesus is still inviting Himself to stay with us and we need only to heed His call and respond quickly and with generosity.
Today I am with the fourth invocation of the Litany of the Sacred Heart used in the Society of the Sacred Heart: "Sacred Heart of Jesus, to your reparation I unite myself." It is helping me to pray at odd moments during the day and I guess I am also sometimes starting at the beginning with "Sacred Heart of Jesus, to your adoration I unite myself; to your burning love, I unite myself, to your ardent zeal, I unite myself and today, to your reparation, I unite myself.

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