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Monday, April 13, 2015

Born to be bold?

"In the Spirit, we are born to be bold. Our boldness comes in the defiant nature of our hope, the steadfast mystery of our faith, and the tireless impetus to love. . . it calls us to do signs and wonders, to heal and be healed, to forgive and be forgiven. It is a boldness captured in both grand, courageous actions and in the intentional act of standing unbridled in belief.
"While we long to know what's ahead, we can't. All we can do is boldly go where the Spirit leads, a place deep in relationship with God, self, and the world. . .a place we call the Kingdom."
             Sister Colleen Gibson - taken from her Reflection in Give Us This Day on today's Gospel when Jesus tells Nicodemus that he must be born from above. We are all born of the Spirit, but do we feel bold? 
My mind is telling me that I need to reflect on this today, especially the idea of a defiant nature of hope, and a tireless impetus to love! 
I am willing to go wherever the Spirit leads...

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