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Sunday, September 25, 2016

New Insight into today's Parable

We are all familiar with the parable of the Rich man and poor Lazarus who sat begging at the door and who was not given any notice by the Rich man who not only ignored him but did not even let him have the scraps from his table. I was praying over how Lazarus died and was received into the bosom of Abraham. It seems that Jesus chose Abraham as all the Jews would know of Abraham and also know how hospitable Abraham was to whoever came to his door. I think that the Jews would have grasped the lesson that Jesus wanted to give about taking care of those who are suffering and this parable is reinforcing the works of mercy that Jesus preached about feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, etc. I hope we grasp the deeper meaning and welcome the migrants and refugees who have come seeking shelter.

At breakfast I shared that I had been thinking about the Trinity. I have been reading Richard Rohr's meditations about the Trinity. We went around and each said what the word meant to them. I was the only one to name the three Persons in the Trinity. I have a real relationship with each one. I have been cultivating my relationships since the time I spent at the Trinita in Rome in 1959.

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