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Monday, July 2, 2018

No areas off limits

Continuing with the last chapter in Gaudete et Exsultate, the Pope tells us that when we examine our life's journey in God's presence, no areas can be off limits. "In all aspects of life we can continue to grow and offer something greater to God, even in those areas we find most difficult. We need, though, to ask the Holy Spirit to liberate us and to expel the fear that makes us ban him from certain parts of our lives. God asks everything of us, yet he also gives everything to us....Discernment, then, is not a solipsistic self-analysis or a form of egotistical introspection, but an authentic process of leaving ourselves behind in order to approach the mystery of God, who helps us to carry out the mission to which he has called us, for the good of our brothers and sisters."

Again, the underlining is mine!

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