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Monday, February 1, 2021

One of my favorite Gospel scenes

 Today I have my Spirituality Grouop on Zoom and we will each be sharing a favorite Gospel secene from the first ten Chapters from Mark's Gospel. We read all of the Gospel and picked out adjectives to describe Jesus last week. This week we are choosing to pray with two or three passages from Mark and then share one. I love the scene where Jesus, after praying alone on the mountain, comes walking on the water to his apostles who are having a hard time trying to go against the wind. Jesus tells them. "Fear not; It is I." And the storm ceases. That has always been a favorite passage, but this time I think I will be sharing the scene of the Transfiguration.

Mark has Jesus inviting James, John, and Peter to go up the mountain with him. Luke will tell us that Jesus invited them to go up to pray. While they are there, Jesus is transfigured before them and they see Moses and Elijah there conversing with Jesus. The garments of Jesus are a dazzling white. Then they hear the voice from the clouds saying: "This is my beloved Son; listen to him."

I think God keeps saying that to me, to each of us. "This is my beloved Son; listen to him." 

As we begin this new month no doubt some are looking forward to the "Super Bowl", some to Valentine's Day and some to Lent and many of us will still be trying to keep track of what is happening in the government.

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