I have been wanting to praise all those who are helping us to get through this time and then someone sent me this "Praise Song for the Pandemic;A work in Progress by Christine Valters Paintner" and it just seems to be what we would want to say so I am copying it here so we can really not only praise these people, but continue to pray for them.
Praise for the nurses and doctors. every medical staff bent over flesh to offer care, for lives saved and lives lose, for showing up either way.
Praise for the farmes, tilling soil, planting seeds so food can grow, and act of hope if there ever was one.
Praise for the janitors and garbage collectors, the grocery store clerks, and the truck drivers barreling through long quiet nights.
Give thanks for bus drivers, delivery persons, postal workers, and all those keeping an eye on water, gas, and electricity.
Blessings on our leaders, making hard choices for the common good, offering words of assurance.
Celebrate the scientists, working away to understand the thing that plagues us, to find an antidote, and all medicine makers.
Praise be the journalists keeping us informed.
Praise be the teachers, finding new ways to educate children from afat, and blessings on parents holding it together for them.
Blessed are the elderly and those with weakened immune systems, all those who worry for their health, and praise for those who stay at home to protect them.
Blessed are the domestic violence victims, on lock down with abusers, and the homeless and refugees.
Praise for the poets and artists, the singers and storytellers, all those who nourish with words and sound and color.
To be continued tomorrow as there is still more to praise and bless!
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