On the octave of the Assumption it is fitting that we celebrate the Queenship of Mary. This feast was only instituted in 1954 by Pius XII and at first it was on May 31, my birthday. Then it got changed to August 22 which was the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. That feast is now the day after the Feast of the Sacred Heart and the Feast of the Visitation is celebrated on May 31 instead of July 2!
I woke up singing a hymn that we used to sing at school and was amazed to be able to remember the words. It is:
O Queen of Angels, thou are glorious,
Glorious as a bannered host
Thou hast crushed the foe forever,
He no more in pride may boast.
Lady of our hearts we call thee,
Thou our gentle mother art.
Mary fold us in thy mantle,
Take us to thy loving heart."
The last two lines were repeated as a refrain and were my favorite.
I also was inspired this morning to go over some of the graces received from Mary and also to think of the persons, places, and events that have most influenced me. It is a good exercise, if you want to try it.
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