I leave tomorrow for a week end at the Cenacle in Lantana. My spiritual director is giving the week end on "Divine Energy" and I will go up early and take her out for lunch so that I can have a good visit. Thus I will again be away from the computer for three days! It is hard to get back to work after a long summer holiday, but I am planning to do so very soon! I actually wrote a blog and then forgot to post it so I will just wait until next week. Remember that God is never grasped by thought but only by love!
There is much to pray for and I am sure we are thinking of those who are fighting, those who were on the bridge that collapsed, those who are being deported, etc.
hi Helen,
What's "divine energy"?
Yes, and also remember the Korean missionaries who are hostages in Afghanistan.
Alex, it is so good to hear from you. I have made two different workshops on "Divine Energy" and both seem to see this as the power of God that is present to us through God's very presence. I think that we need to believe in the reality of the power of God. With God, and if we have enough faith, we can do all things. I think that with all the evil in our world today we need to concentrate on the Divine energy which can transform our world.
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