"Fill us with your love, O Lord, and we will sing for joy".
Today's Responsorial Psalm (verses from Psalm 90) tells me how to live in joy: be filled with God's love. Only God can fill me with his love so my part is just to be open to receive his love. Why is it so hard to allow God to love us? Is my heart too cluttered with other "loves"?
Ever since my retreat last summer, the Psalms seem to spark my prayer. This jumped out at me today: "Fill us at daybreak with your kindness, that we may shout for joy and gladness all our days."
Lord, fill us with your love today that we may bring joy and happiness to others. Let us, as the Gospel tells us, "Stay awake! For we do not know when the Lord will come. May He find us prepared and living in joy! Joy that comes from being filled with his love!
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