In today's reading from the first book of Samuel 16:1-13, the Lord sends Samuel to anoint his chosen king. Samuel objects as he is afraid Saul will hear of this and kill him. But the Lord tells him to take a heifer along and say, "I have come to sacrifice to the Lord." He is to invite Jesse to the sacrifice and the Lord says that Samuel is to anoint the one he points out to him. Samuel meets Jesse sons and as he looked at the eldest he thought surely this was the one. But the Lord told Samuel "Do not judge from his appearance or from his lofty stature, because I have rejected him. Not as man sees does God see, because he sees the appearance but the Lord looks into the heart."
Jesse presented seven sons before Samuel, but the Lord had not chosen any of these. Then Samuel asked if these are all the sons that Jesse has. Jesse said, "There is still the youngest who is tending the sheep." Samuel said to send for him. When David came, the Lord said, "anoint him, this is he!"
From that day on, the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David.
I love this story for the Lord chooses and he looks into the heart. He still is choosing us and looking into our hearts. He also sends his Spirit upon us. We have been called and chosen and anointed in Baptism. The Lord has a special place for each of us in this world and no one else can fulfill our task of responding to the love the Lord has for us and for each of his creatures.
I have two new books to share with you tomorrow that may help us to respond to God's love for we have been chosen.
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