Today is First Friday and the Feast of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton. She had a fascinating life. She was born to a devout Episcopalian family in New York, married William Seton and had five children. Her husband died in 1803 when she was only 29. She became a Catholic, founded a girl's school in Baltimore, formed an order using a modified rule of the Daughters of Charity. She was canonized in 1975, a wonderful American born saint!
Barbara Bowe, writing in this month's "Living with Christ" says that spirituality takes time. "Only through lived experience can we come to know certain truths. Only by living the spiritual life, the life of faith in response to God, can we come to know more of its depths and believe in God's powerful claim on our lives."
My dear friend and doctor in Malaysia sent me his reflections on what he had learned in 2007 and that triggered off my own reflections. I shall share some of them with you tomorrow.
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