We still are in the Christmas season although everyone is back at school and work today. I knew nothing about St. Raymond who was a Spanish Dominican; he was also a professor of philosophy and a lawyer. He organized the papal decrees and this became the basis for the code of canon law. He also wrote practical guidelines for the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
I want to share a poem I love written by Carmen Smith, RSCJ. She was a wonderful English teacher and taught me in high school. This poem is called "Prayer for Latter Days" and was published in On the Way Home: Reflections for Old Age" edited by two RSCJS, Frances Makower and Joan Faber.
I want to grow old
life hanging on my shoulders
like an old sweater-
warm and loose
And shapeless.
Let my days and nights
move slowly
taking my shape,
old shoes-
looking like me
even when
I'm not wearing them.
I have loved life,
all of it,
an old friend-
to the very end.
Make me ready, Lord
to slip off
shoes and sweater
Wen my spirit
puts on eternal youth.
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