Yesterday's Gospel had Jesus sitting by the well at noon, tired from his journey and asking for a drink of water. It started me thinking about water and about the living water he has promised. Today's first reading has Naaman cured of his leprosy only when he obeys the prophet Elisha and washes seven times in the Jordon.
One of my thoughts was about the gift of Baptism when water is necessary. Another is that all "living water" flows from the Heart of Christ. And another thought was for all those in third world countries that do not have easy access to water. We take water for granted. They need to hoard water; to work to draw water; to walk with heavy buckets in order to have water to drink.
Richard Rohr speaks of water as one of three "bookmarks" in the Bible that we need to pay attention to as we read it: water, blood, and bread are the three. All can be life-giving both spiritually as well as physically.
Today, let me reflect on the great gift of water; let me remember the water that flowed from the Heart of Christ on the Cross; let me use water with reverence and recall its effect on all in Baptism.
Mother Helen
My Mom is excited to see you on the 2nd. I was able to read your blog to her this morning. We really enjoyed it. We certianly do take water for granted! Last years drought was a wake up call for many in the South. She is greatful for all of your thoughts and prayers, over the years. Thankyou for being such a blessing to my Mom.
Dan Hopkins
Dear Dan,
It was so good to hear from you and I am looking forward to seeing your mother. We have been friends since 1955 and I have followed each of you as you have grown up.
I am glad you found my blog!
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