Happy President's day, or happy birthday to George Washington (Feb. 22) & Abraham Lincoln (Feb. 12). Washington would be 275 years old and Lincoln would be 198. President's Day is one of the few national holidays which was originally related to Washington's birthday but in the 1980's there was a call to observe Lincoln's birthday as well and that's how President's Day came to be on the the third Monday of February. It is nice to have a holiday in the middle of winter and the long week end is appreciated by all. I am using today to catch up with papers that have been collecting and need to be sorted, filed, read, and mostly, I hope, thrown away.
Today's Gospel tells us "to be merciful just as your Father is merciful."
Our world would be so different if we lived this Gospel! We are called to stop judging, stop condemning, forgive and give and good gifts will be given to us.
God wants to give us Himself; He loves us and is always trying to get us to accept his love. Why do we think we need to earn it? All is gift!
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