So much of my life this week has been spent in wonder at the goodness of God; awe before the inner beauty of others and the glorious sunsets we have had after rather dull days. I belong to a virtual community of prayer and use the suggested prayer service each week either for community prayer or my own personal prayer. Dawn, an Associate of the Society of the Sacred Heart composes the prayer-reflections and sends them to us each week. The opening prayer is always the same; then there is usually a psalm and the Gospel of the Sunday and some quotations from writings of the Society of the Sacred Heart and questions for reflection; after silent prayer, there is a closing prayer composed by Dawn.
The closing prayer spoke to me this week so I want to share it with you today:
O Divine Wellspring, as we come to You, spiritually parched and dry,
You offer us Living Water, and we thirst no more!
As we come to You, spiritually drained,
You offer us strength, grace and comfort,
And we are filled!
As we come to You, corresponding to your grace,
Your Work and Your Word flow out from us,
And we know courage, confidence, and Holy Joy!
Help us to know that:We are precious to you; we are important in your eyes,
We are loved as we are, no matter what.
Filled to full and overflowing, we journey into the world,
Responding to its needs; grateful for the opportunity to bring the life-giving waters of God to others! Amen.
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