St. Isidore was a farmer and is the patron saint of farmers. He was born in the 12th century and was married to another saint and both were known for their piety and generosity. It is a good day to pray for all the farmers and day laborers. So many men and women are engaged in farming so that we may eat the fruit of their labors. How often do we remember to pray our gratitude for all who raise our food? And how often do we pray for those migrant workers toiling in the fields today and receiving less than a living wage?
Today's liturgy has a wonderful entrance antiphon: "The Lord has been my strength; he has led me into freedom. He saved me because he loves me."
This antiphon is true, compact, and full of theological wisdom. It contains the reasons for unending gratitude. The Lord is my strength! He does lead me and leads me into freedom. He saves me because he loves me!
In the gospel, Jesus asks his disciples, "But who do you say that I am?"
He asks me this today. What do I reply?
Thanks Sister, You reminded me to pray for my Father who was a sugar cane farmer! I am a child of the Sacred Heart from Grand Coteau, LA. Check out www.pray-as-you-go.org for your mp3 player from the English Jesuits. Wonderful site. God Bless. I read about your blog in Heart.
Thank you. I love Grand Coteau. It is always good to hear from our alumnae. I went to St. Charles and Maryville.
I have not yet seen Heart Magazine as our mails are quite slow in Miami. Others seem to have received it.
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