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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bridging the waters

I do not know what I mean by that title, but it just came and so you may ponder for yourself today what "bridging the waters" means for you. I am at a funny place. I have not that much to do, yet I am feeling too busy and I do not like the feeling. I guess I have been procrastinating too long about some things that need to be done and now feel rather helpless. I asked the Lord to be with me today and get things done, but maybe He is liking this helpless feeling as it is humbling.
I want to prepare for St. Madeleine Sophie's feast on Wednesday. We will have Mass and dinner with the RSCJs in the area and that will be nice. One of ours arrives from Haiti that afternoon and I will pick her up at the airport.
Here is a quote from St. Madeleine Sophie:
"Our Lord wants you to devote yourself to doing good. His hands turn everything into an instrument capable of performing miracles. What hinders his action is that we persist in going our own way or that we want him to do the whole work. He wants our cooperation but without our own activity. If you understand this, you will come to live it effortlessly; prayer, a word drawn from the Heart of Jesus, will have such strength and influence over others that you will become convinced that you are just an instrument which united to the source of grace, acts following the promptings of the Spirit."

Lord, work with me today.

1 comment:

Smiley :) said...

You always have the best Madeleine Sophie quotes! Where do you find all these?

Have a great night!! :)
Colleen (Smiley)