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Friday, May 6, 2011

New Spiritual Exercises!!

I am using Louis M. Savary's latest book for prayer and so far I am loving it and want to tell you a bit about the beginning. The title is "The New Spiritual Exercises In the Spirit of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin." Paulist Press, 2010. The author, a former Jesuit who loves the writings of Teilhard de Chardin, has decided that if Ignatius of Loyola kept adapting the Exercises during his lifetime, he would certainly want to include all the discoveries of science since then. I am finding that I need to mark passages as I read them which is a sign of a good book for me. I am sure I will have more to say on this book as the days go by.
This morning I spent some time with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus as this story is so full of meaning for me. I often want to walk away discouraged because of some of the news (yesterday I made a firm resolution to pray for bishops every day and that includes the Pope). Jesus knows how I feel and comes to join me and asks me to tell him what is bothering me. He is a great listener and, even when I do not hear his explanations, I find that my heart begins to burn within me. I want him to stay with me and tell him so. Then he comes into my heart and, when I recognize him with reverence and humility, he puts me into his heart.

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