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Thursday, June 11, 2015

Our eternal joy

Since I have been back, I have not been to look at the ocean, but did contemplate the bay the other day from our school which has a gorgeous view. I miss the ocean and love this picture of Chilean horses on the beach.

I thought I might share this from Julian:

In the long text version of Revelations of Divine Love, Julian of Norwich devotes a chapter to the Sacred Heart. The words Jesus had spoken to her twenty years before as he directed her gaze to the wound in his side — “Look how much I loved you” — she explains as follows:
[It is] as if he said, 'My darling, look and see your Lord, your God, who is your maker and your eternal joy. See what pleasure and delight I take in your salvation, and for my love rejoice with me now . . .  All my bitter torment and painful hardship has changed into endless joy and bliss for me and for you.
Jesus wants us to live in joy and rejoice with Him; He is our eternal joy!

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