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Friday, June 12, 2015

Prayer of the Heart

I picked up a small book that I seemed to have been using months ago as I have underlined certain passages. It is "Prayer of the Heart in Christian and Sufi Mysticism" and I found it helpful in my own preparation for the Feast of the Sacred Heart. Today we renew our vows during the Mass and, although this is a renewal only of devotion, I think it calls us to deepen our experience of our consecrated life.
This little book by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee speaks of prayer as a "way to be with God." We each have our own way of being with God. The prayer of the heart "draws us deep within the center of our being where we can be alone with our Beloved . . .where we can speak and live the deepest longing of our soul to be with God."

I guess I am more aware of praying in the Heart of Jesus; I am drawn into His Heart to be with Him, to give Him joy, to let Him love me.

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