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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Walking with God

Living in Miami for many years has made me a non-walker; it is just too hot. We walk from an air-conditioned house to an air-conditioned car, to an air-conditioned store, office, church, etc. We are just spoiled, but I know I need to walk. I now walk some in the swimming pool. Others walk in the air-conditioned malls. This picture makes me think that we all are also walking interiorly. We are trying to walk with Jesus and live united to Him. I just read that Reverend Mother Goetz, our Superior General when St. Madeleine Sophie died, said that devotion to the Sacred Heart means living united to Jesus and when we are united, then we can do much good. She believes that a true Religious must live in union with Jesus. I desire this union, but am far from living it.

Union and conformity with the Heart of Jesus was a key phrase in the spirituality of St. Madeleine Sophie and is found often in the 1815 Constitutions. She talked a great deal about prayer, interior spirit, fidelity to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit - all means to union and conformity with the Heart of Jesus. Let us all strive for this union and conformity with His Heart.

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