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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Nurse the spirit of prayer...

This picture speaks to me of setting sail into the sunset and has me asking myself questions. Am I going into the unknown? How do I feel about this as night approaches? Who are with me in the boat? Sometimes a picture can lead us into prayer.

Here is a bit more from Mother Stuart:

"Whatever happens, my dear child must keep the ideal up, and not be daunted by any failure to get there. You cannot expect to reach it at once, but if you keep on hoping, praying and trying you will get there in the end, but you will never know it. Nurse the spirit of prayer, all good comes from that, and it needs care to grow. Try to read a little of something spiritual every day, even if only for five minutes. It helps to keep the mind on heavenly things, and remember that all passes away except these heavenly things. Troubles pass, and fighting passes, and weariness and temptations, all except God and the life we live in Him. Pray then, and hold on, and may God and Our Lady be with you."

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