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Thursday, August 10, 2017

A Bit of Everything

Today I am just musing on the past week. I am still grieving the loss of one of ours who was known mostly to us as "Tippy" and I used to push her wheel chair around and take her back to her room always after Mass and often at other times during the day and we would talk. I miss her, but spent the last few days with her asking God to take her home. She had been on hospice and they kept her comfortable for her last days. She was such an interesting person. She was a novice with me, too.
Now for more cheerful news: we have had the joy of a visit from two of our novices. Yuriko Tazuka and Cho Min-ah are here and it is so good to have them. They look so young compared to us!
I find the days go by so quickly here that it always seems that I am starting a new week. Certainly this summer has flown by and so we must make the most of what is left of August!

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