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Saturday, July 11, 2020

Eucharistic Dimension of our Spirituality

"I have compassion on these people...give them something to eat.                                                                                                 Mark 5: 37

I am sharing today some thoughts on the Eucharist from our General Chapter of 1994 that were given on the handout for the 6th Day of our retreat as I think these are worth praying over.

The compassionate gaze of Jesus directs our eyes and our hearts towards a world where many are like 'sheep without a shepherd'
and brings to birth in us the desire to give our lives as women of compassion and communion to nourish life, to help life grow, to defend life.

"We make our own the passionate desire of Jesus
"I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance" Jn 10

But we feel powerless and helpless, the task seems beyond our capacities. We feel ourselves called to a rebirth, to welcome once again the grace of our vocation."

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