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Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Great gratitude for our Special Provincial Chapter

This morning I woke up and was delighted with
the thought of Villa Maria del Mar, the sacred place 
for me in Santa Cruz. The retreat house is not
open because of the virus, but I miss it. The statue below is of the Holy Family and is in the little meditation room looking out on the Pacific Ocean. Not a good picture, but with this Updated blog, not
going to try to change anything this morning.

 I need to tell you about our Special Provincial Chapter that has taken my time and prayer but finished yesterday. It was the first time we have used Zoom and it really worked very well. I had a wonderful home group of six and a wonderful consensus group with six more and we really were able to work together and it was a discernment Chapter. I was no doubt the oldest there, but I had spent time preparing and praying for it and I feel it was a great experience for all. Those who worked so hard to get us all able to use Zoom for all the different groups, those who prepared the daily prayers, those who spent time writing up the results, all are in my prayer of gratitude today.

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