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Saturday, January 30, 2021

Picking up my Journal again

 What really got me back to writing in my Journal again? I just decided to write out my conversation with Jesus about my life right now and off I went. I do remember in the past taking time to write a letter to Jesus, but this was just writing out a dialogue with Him. Since I do most of the talking, it is not a very balanced dialoge, but when Jesus does say something, it is worth listening!! Try it and see if it works for you.

This week is full of Zooms! We began with a long one full of the work our Province is doing on important things like racism, community organization, etc.; on Monday I always have two Zoom meetings: one at 10:00 with my Spirituality Group of Mothers and one at 3:00 with two of my three senior. I had set up a Zoom for Spiritual Direction for Tuesday morning, have a Zoom on Wednesday with a friend just so I will not forget how to set up Zoom meetings, and then Thursday morning with the  Philippine Region. On Friday, I have my third Senior for a Zoom meeting in the afternoon. I am just letting you know that I do keep busy. I am going to see the movie "Nine to Five" here on Friday morning. We have been having movies every weekday morning in the Gathering Room for ten people, all wearing masks, of course.

I am now on a second reading of Maria Cimperman, RSCJs book, Reigious Life for Our World: Creating Communities of Hope. If you are a Religious and reading this blog, I hope you will get this book and read it. I am hoping a few more out here will read it and then we can have some discussion about it. I need to really go slowly this time and pray over the chapters. 

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