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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Second Sunday of Lent

Jesus led his three friends up the mountain to pray. Jesus felt the need for both prayer and for the company of these three. I do not think Jesus knew what was going to happen when he prayed. He is transfigured and Moses and Elijah appear in glory. Perhaps what is most important is the voice of the Father heard from the cloud: "This is my chosen one; listen to him." That is what we must do. It is the message that was given at the Baptism of Jesus. Mary repeats it in a slightly different way when she tells the waiters at the Wedding feast, "Do whatsoever he tells you." We are to listen and to obey. We need to hear what Jesus is saying to us and then act. It means that we need to find time to be silent in order to listen. Lent is a good time to turn off the television, go off to a quiet spot, sit in silence and really listen to the Lord. That is what Centering Prayer does for us; it requires us to be still and silent and let go of all our thoughts. It makes space for Jesus.

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