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Friday, March 18, 2011

Preparing for 2nd Sunday of Lent

I know that today is Friday of the first week of Lent and I feel that I have not really entered into Lent. I have certainly not kept my Lenten resolutions, but I am not going to let that get me down as I was once told that "when we have taken the right resolutions, we have trouble keeping them precisely because they are the ones we need." So today I begin again and I find that looking at the Sunday Gospel is encouraging. It is the Transfiguration and Jesus takes the three of his most intimate friends among the disciples, Peter, James, and John, and leads them up a mountain to pray. While there they all have an experience of prayer, even a vision where Jesus is transfigured before them. Peter says, "Lord, it is good for us to be here!"
I guess that is worth reflecting on as it is always good to be with the Lord in prayer, even if we are not feeling anything.
Yesterday we had Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at the University to pray for those suffering in Japan. I went to the Chapel after our faculty faith-sharing group had reflected on the Sunday gospel and just sat there. I knew it was good to be there. One feels such peace in the Presence of the Lord. He also says to each of us, "Rise, do not be afraid." And then the wonderful line, "And looking up they saw only Jesus."
I came home to prepare our "green dinner party" in honor of St. Patrick. We had some fun games after dinner and then prayer together and all thought it a great party. Now, to realize that these Lenten days are important to prepare us for the Resurrection and to begin again with those resolutions so that the Lord has the opportunity to transform us during this Lenten season!!
St. Joseph's Feast is tomorrow and he is one to help us renew our resolutions!

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