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Friday, March 11, 2011

Preparing for Lent

The Gospel for the First Sunday of Lent has the Spirit leading Jesus into the desert where He is tempted. The temptations that Jesus experienced during his forty days in the desert are the same that all of us have to a greater or lesser degree: the desire to have more, the desire to have power, control, and the desire to be better than others that is pride. What I think is interesting is that we have the account of these forty days only because Jesus must have shared his time in the desert with his disciples. It was an experience that marked Jesus and led Him to discover more about himself and about God. May we have the same experience this Lent!!
I will not be writing my blog everyday during Lent this year. I will write, but not daily as I am going to be away and also have visitors here in Miami. I will share when I can, but there is a wealth of material during Lent on some great websites. On the right side I have linked Creighton University and Sacred Space under prayer resources. I have also pointed out the blogs I have listed as being helpful. I will be on and off and hope you will not give up on me while I am away from the daily postings. I will be praying for all my readers!

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