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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Preparing for St. Patrick's Day

As I am 3/4 Irish with my Dad's mother being a Murphy and my mother's father a McLaughlin with the Irish Lightholder family on my maternal grandmother's side, I always look forward to St. Patrick's Day. Some of those relatives are still living on a farm that we can trace back to the early 18th century. Being Irish has always been a good excuse for a party on March 17th. We need to have fun even in Lent and this feast is a good reason to celebrate. I grew up in St. Louis and Archbishop Glennon (who became a Cardinal) always allowed us to eat meat and not fast on St. Patrick's Day.
I guess I will cook a good dinner and ask all to come wearing green! I suspect I may have green noodles with a great sauce, a green salad, and maybe even a green dessert. Lime jello with fruit - not too exciting but the Irish do not need many external props to celebrate. Irish soda bread may be another possibility. I am also thinking of a guessing game where they need to remember Irish actors, authors, musicians and painters, but may need to do a bit of research myself.
Here is a thought for Lent: God asks us to love one another as He loves us. If we could all do that, think of what a wonderful world we would have. I guess it begins with me and it is a grace to beg for as the Spirit comes to aid us in our weakness.

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