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Wednesday, August 28, 2013

I spent so much time yesterday working on the project of posting a different reflection of Mater for each day of October on our Province website. I hope it will give everyone a renewed devotion to Mater who is so much a part of our life. I am grateful for all those who sent me something.
Here is a prayer I like:

God of infinite joy,
Your love exceeds our wildest expectations,
Your fondness for us baffles our small-minded faith.
Grant us the grace to experience your smile;
 still all our fears of your frown.
Your prophet Isaiah tells us that we are precious in your sight;
May we take truth deep into our hearts.
Your apostle Paul tells us nothing can separate us from your love;
May we always live in union with you.
Give us again the joy of our youth
As we recognize and acknowledge your abiding presence.
Drive all anxiety from our hearts and indwell again at our table.
Tasting your delight, nourished by your love,
We will go forth to share the Good News.
(Taken from Robert Morneau’s “A Retreat with Jessica Powers”)

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